– In the wake of “communitywide speculation,” Saskatoon police took to social media to explain their November 5 decision to drop charges for the death of 23-year-old Hodan Hashi in a belated nightclub. The Saskatoon Police Department (SPS) said in a post on his social media account on Wednesday that a video of Hashi’s death was “spreading on social media”, citing discussions among people who saw the graphic image on the phone.
The video footage shows the fight between 22-year-old Paige Therio-Fischer and Hassi. One of the videos shows Hasashi bleeding profusely while being beaten.
As a result of the initial investigation, a 22-year-old woman was arrested on charges of second-degree murder, SPS said in a post.
Saskatoon police say murder charge was reduced due to evidence
As the investigation progresses and officers are able to view video from multiple sources and interview witnesses, the evidence supports the manslaughter charge. “To protect the integrity of this investigation, we cannot provide any further details of the value of the evidence against the accused.”
Saskatoon police are in regular contact with the victims’ families and continue to provide assistance through victim services, the statement said. Therault Fisher is charged with manslaughter in the death of Hodan Hashi, 23, at Lit Nightclub, located above Crazy Cactus.
Police said they were called to the nightclub at 2:40 am on November 11th. 5 to report the woman suffering “serious injuries.”
Officers and paramedics tried to revive him, but police pronounced him dead.
Theriault-Fisher was arrested at the club. She was initially charged with manslaughter, but the charges were reduced to manslaughter.
“As the investigation progresses, officers are constantly evaluating the information they are gathering,” a spokesman for the Saskatoon Police Department told CTV News Monday. “In this case, it meant a fare change.”
Police said Teriolt-Fischer and the victim knew each other.
Hodan Hashi Death Viral Video Paige Theriault Saskatoon
>>Link Video here<<
Police are asking for video from cell phones to help with the investigation. Theriault-Fisher wore a white hoodie and glasses for her first appearance at the Saskatoon County Courthouse. The Crown opposed her release. He is expected to return to court on Thursday for a probation hearing.
Hashi’s family started a GoFundMe page to help cover the cost of transporting her body to Ottawa.
“The loss in the violence of our sister, daughter and cousin Hodan Hashi is absolutely unbelievable,” the fundraising statement said. “He was a kind, gentle and generous soul who would give his shirt to anyone. He was loved by many and was ready to show the love he gave to the world,” the fundraiser said.